Path-to-purchase and shopper research

Your business problems answered with shopper research

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Read about how we helped MasterFoods using this

Read about how we helped MasterFoods using this


Accompanied shopping

Can we gain an understanding of how consumers choose at shelf?

How do consumers navigate the sea of products in my category?

How should my brand harness the best sign posting and way-finding?

Can we understand pack salience and variant differentiation at shelf?

accompanied online behaviour

How do customers research online?

How do customers feel about the brands that appear in their feed?

What do my customers experience when engaging online with my service?

Does the online component of my brand contribute to our desired brand experience?

video ethnography

How does the experience of shopping affect brand choice?

How do my customers experience and interact with my product while shopping?

Can we get a real-life understanding of competitive standout at shelf?